We believe the first step towards Prevention is Education. Many of our programs and services provide key information for families, community members, and local agencies.

Programs operate regularly throughout the year with special program themes available at various times. To stay current and up to date on programming, Like us on Facebook and check back to our website periodically! Please see below for current program information.
Parenting Education Programs (P.E.P.)
What We Offer​​
We have various Parenting Education Programs, Trainings, and Workshops available virtually and in-person. Whether you are a parent, community member, or you would like to refer one of your Client's for a program or service, we have programs to fit your needs! Join us for a one-time Workshop, register for a one-time training, or jump into weekly Parenting Class, which are offered ongoing individually or in group-based models periodically.
Our Parenting Education Programs are offered in English and Spanish (when able) and through virtual or in-person formats. If you are interested in learning more about what program may work best for you, fill out our Client Referral Form on the Parenting Education Page.

What We Do
Our goal is to empower parents as the experts on their children. The focus of our Parenting Education Programs is to guide our children's behavior through appropriate discipline, teaching experiences, and modeling what is appropriate. Parenting doesn't come with a manual, but if you are interested in learning more techniques to help your children grow into successful individuals, you are in the RIGHT place! Some of the topics we cover include, but are not limited to: ​

+ Development of Family Morals, Values, and Rules
+ Understanding Discipline
+ Nurturing Parenting
+ Conflict with Other Children or Siblings
+ Improving Children's Self-Worth and Developing Personal Power
+ Handling Stress
+ Consequences
+ Helping Children Manage Their Behavior
+ Monitoring School & Homework
+ Unhealthy Behavior Prevention - Keeping Kids Drug & Alcohol Free
+ Talking to Your Kids About Healthy Relationships
+ Nutrition & Eating Healthy on a Budget
Children's Programming
Throughout the year, our agency hosts and collaborates with other local agencies to provide various programs for children. For children to develop healthy social relationships, they need to be provided with opportunities to socialize with peers in an engaging setting. Our children's programs all encourage children to work together, practice kindness, and assist in developing emotional competence and self-regulation. Our children's programs focus on learning through play while providing opportunities for early learning and school readiness. Our Staff is also trained in assisting families with conducting Developmental Assessments to track growth and developmental milestones of various ages. When needed, we connect families with additional supports and resources. Our children's programs include, but are not limited to:

+ Parent-Child Playgroups
+ Special Events & Community Events
+ Summer Reading Program - Colusa Co. Library
+ Summer Book to Movie Club - Colusa Co. Library
+ And More!
Community Outreach
Colusa County Community Advocates for Parents & Children (CAPC) is devoted to preventing child abuse and neglect by tackling it on a preventative level, rather than a reactive level. In order to build a strong community where families are able to thrive, our prevention efforts must reach far and wide to build policies and frameworks that instill prevention at the very core. What is the key to this? The answer is simple - Education!
We have various informative trainings and facilitated discussions available for use by our collaborative partners and other family-serving agencies in our County to promote prevention practices. If you are with a local agency and are interested in having our Facilitator, come promote prevention practices for your staff, please reach out! Our trainings can be tailored to fit the needs of your program and who you serve, including knowing signs to watch for to prevent opportunities for child abuse and neglect. We have information to share on many topics, including, but not limited to:

+ Child Sexual Abuse Prevention for Educators, Community Members, Parents & Families, Youth-Serving Organizations, and more.
+ Family Strengthening and the Protective Factors Framework - Working with Families who have experiences Trauma in a supportive and caring way
+ Reporting Child Abuse - Mandated Reporter Trainings, Knowing the Signs & Symptoms of Child Abuse, How and When to Make a Report.
+ And More!

Give us a call:

Holiday Programs
Angel Tree:
Each year our agency partners with the Colusa County Department of Health & Human Services to seek out sponsors willing to help bring Christmas joy to children within our community that are currently separated from their birth families and are in Foster or Relative Care. For more information about this program, or to become an Angel Tree Sponsor, please click the link below to be directed to our Angel Tree Page.
CHiPS For Kids Annual Toy Drive:
A great way to spread Holiday Cheer is to donate to those in our community that need a little extra support during the holidays! This year, we are collecting new, unopened toys for children all throughout Colusa County through December 18th. If you would like to donate to our Toy Drive, please contact our office for a list of drop-off locations and visit the CHiPS for Kids Toy Drive page by clicking below.
If you or someone you know could benefit from some assistance with gifts for their children this year and would like to apply for the program, we recommend you apply online for faster application process. The information on how to apply can also be found on our Toy Drive page by clicking the link below.
Shop with a Cop:
We value the importance of local Law Enforcement and the relationships they create with the youth of our community. The Shop with a Cop Program allows selected youth an opportunity to do some Christmas shopping with a local Law Enforcement Officer with funds provided through the program. This format fosters positive relationship building and shows children that Police Officers and other Law Enforcement officials are here to help and be supportive.
For more information on the Shop with a Cop Program, visit the page by clicking below.

Visitations and Wrap-Around Supports
Our site works closely with the Department of Health & Human Services, Child Protective Services Department to provide families with Wrap-Around services. We work with families on primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention to provide support during intervention with Child Protective Services. Through an Intra-Agency Referral System, Social Workers are able to refer parents for supports at our Family Resource Center site. Our classroom areas provide a fun and engaging atmosphere for children and parents to relax and enjoy doing activities together. Many families utilize our space for Visitations and receive support on various levels, including but not limited to individualized one-on-one Parenting Education programs, Parent Playgroups and Support Groups, and more!

+To refer a parent or family for supportive or preventative services, please fill out our virtual Client Referral Form by clicking the button below.